
Some days I feel like Rick Ross.

jessica's journey Mar 11, 2017

2016 was a long and stressful year for me. I dedicated an entire years worth of time and energy to a job I’m not passionate about. To be fair, 2016 wasn’t the only year, it was just the first year that forced to face who I had become.

Moving forward, I want to pursue what I love and be me.


And not the “me” that my parents, college professors, or friends thought I would be. I want to be the ME I’ve always dreamed of and fall in love with myself time and time again. It’s time to boss up and take charge of life rather than letting complacency run rampant.

To put this plan into motion, I brought in the new year setting new goals. I finally filled in my old cork board and make it a vision board.


This may sound corny, but once I completed the board, it gave me the courage to embrace what I wanted without concern for others. You see, since I started working in corporate america, I’ve been attempting to be the perfect employee. Sadly, that’s led me to suppress my leadership abilities, pretend I’m not selfish and hard-headed AF and play down my intelligence.

What I realized after creating the board was that those traits have opened the door for wonderful opportunities. If it had not been for those things, my life may have panned out differently. My selfishness and intelligence helped me to graduate Summa Cum Laude. My impulsiveness led me to South Korea and China to study abroad. Finally, my hard headedness (is that a word? lol) gave me the determination to keep going until I landed a job at a Fortune 100 company.

I don’t say this to brag. I say this because those traits and others made me everything I am. I’m a BOSS and somewhere along the way, I forgot that.

It won’t happen again.

I can’t wait to share more of my journey with you! I’d love to hear about your dreams and how you plan to pursue them in 2017 and beyond.

What will you accomplish this year?

Que-so Goodbye,


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