
Cheers to being a screw-up

jessica's journey Feb 02, 2021

I'm a screw-up.
And because of that, I'm popping bottles.

Are you a screw-up too? Let's party!


Having decluttered multiple spaces in my home, I realize I've screwed up a lot. Tons of resources have gone to waste for things that I no longer own.

I have donated, sold, or trashed:

  • Clothes with the price tag still on
  • Books that never got read or even opened
  • Furniture for an over-sized apartment I never needed in the first place
  • Jewelry I swore I was gonna wear, but never did
  • Makeup and hair products I used once and never again

I've also:

  • Binge watched more television than I care to admit
  • Spent more money eating out than my budget allocated
  • Blown money on things I can't even remember

At first I felt bad, but then I realized

there's no shame in this.

This should be a celebration. We should celebrate every time we remove something that we no longer need, use or want.

Trust me, I know there's nothing like realizing you spent hundreds (or thousands) of dollars, countless hours, and tons of energy on stuff you don't need. If you're like me, you've thought to yourself, "think of where you'd be if you hadn't wasted all those resources".

Whether you're feeling this now or have felt it in the past, I hope this statement will bring comfort:

All these "screw-ups" occurred before you decided you wanted something different.

We didn't fail. We just hadn't decided yet.

The clothes you buy but never wear are not a sign of failure, they are a sign that you haven't decided how you want to present yourself to the world.

The money you spent on frivolous things is not really a screw-up. It's just something you did before you decided travelling the world was more important to you.

See the difference?

In all honesty, I still use my resources on things that seem important now only to find later they are not. Why? Because I'm still learning.

And so are you.

Every day, we are blessed to continue sculpting our dream life. Each day, we become more in sync with who we want to be.

I hope that brings you comfort and excites you at the same time.

You no longer need to worry or stress about all the things you could have done wrong. Instead, get excited because each time you "screw-up", you're that much closer to getting right.

So, cheers to us for being screw ups!
We're on the way to our best life.

Think of your last "screw-up", what decision was in the making?

Que-so Goodbye,


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