
Deep in the heart of Texas

jessica's journey Sep 01, 2017

Texas is my home.

Not just because it’s where I was born, but also because it made me who I am. I was born in Dallas, raised in Frisco, graduated from Prairie View A&M and lived in Corpus Christi for a little over 2 years. Today, I reside in Houston. Texas is the place where my memories, friends, family and heart reside and it devastates me to see the damage that Harvey has done in just a few short days.

The media is doing a wonderful job of covering Houston, but what about the other cities? Like Rockport, the little city on the coast that was first to be struck by Harvey. The city where I first saw my first jellyfish and the magnificence that is a sand sculpture. What about Corpus Christi? The city where I stepped into my own and made friendships that will last a lifetime. And, what about Port Aransas, which showed me what good seafood really tastes like. What about them? As we rally together to provide relief and aid for those in need, let’s not forget about the other cities that also need us more now than ever. The cities that aren’t on the news. The cities that Beyonce, Kevin Hart and Drake aren’t talking about. Let’s not forget to help them too. Over the next several months, and maybe even years, these cities along with Houston will be recovering from the devastation that Harvey brought. Let’s find a way to help them all.



I will give back, but not just by donating time and resources to charities, but also by putting money back in the hands of Texans and making a concerted effort to shop at Texan based and/or Texan owned establishments until the end of the year.

That might sounds tough, but with a state this big, it won’t be too hard.

Taking a vacation? Why not head to South Padre?

Going to the grocery store? Why not shop at Austin based Whole Foods or Houston based HEB?

Looking for services like banking, insurance, food, entertainment? There are a multitude of small businesses that can meet your needs.

Put your money back in the hands and economies of the people who need it the most. There is a small business owner somewhere whose home may be intact but business is not and vice versa. That man or woman may have a family that needs them to support. What better way to help them than to put money directly back into their pockets. Below is a short list of resources that you can reach out to as well.

Rockport/Port Aransas

Rockport Go FundMe –

Rockport-Fulton Chamber of Commerce –

Corpus Christi Food Bank –

Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group –

Port Aransas Chamber of Commerce –

Houston (and surrounding areas):

Mayor Turner’s Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund –

Donation Drop Off –

Food Banks:

Other Non City-Specific Resources:

Volunteer Match

American Red Cross

Salvation Army

United Way Relief Fund


Texas Diaper Bank

Coalition for the Homeless

Will you join me? Let me know in the comments below.

Also, if you think of a business that can be added to the list, write a comment below or send me a message via Facebook or Instagram.

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